Lukota -> RE: začepljen nosić (2.4.2008 1:30:59)
VAZNO!!! Marisol kapi sadrze benzalkonijum-hlorid koji definitivno nije pozeljan davati malisanima jer suzava kapilare nosa i cesta upotreba moze dovesti do komplikacija. Benzalkonium chloride is an allergen[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] and several studies have cast doubt on its reputation for safety.[8][9] Some products have been reformulated in light of this research, but it is still widely used in eyewashes, hand and face washes, mouthwashes, spermicidal creams, and in various other cleaners, sanitizers, and disinfectants. Manufacturers of OTC artificial tears and eye washes became concerned about chemical sensitivity from long-term daily use and have in some products substituted EDTA as a preservative. Some have added "for sensitive eyes" to labeling. There has also been concern that long-term use of benzalkonium as a preservative in nose sprays may cause swelling of mucosa and lead to Rhinitis medicamentosa. Some manufacturers have put 3-day limits on safe use of such nose sprays. Rhinitis medicamentosa (or RM) is a condition of rebound nasal congestion brought on by extended use of topical decongestants (e.g. oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, and xylometazoline nasal sprays) that work by constricting blood vessels in the lining of the nose. A study has shown that the anti-infective agent benzalkonium chloride, which is frequently added to topical nasal sprays, aggravates the condition by further increasing the rebound swelling. [1]