nestoslobodno -> RE: Nase mjere karlice naspram bebine glavice (6.1.2012 12:51:52)
Ako procitas ova dva, dobit ces poprilicno dobru ideju o ovom "problemu" ali naravno citaj vise... ja bih izdvojila ovaj dio: In short, there are no less than four variables in this ‘big baby, small pelvis’ scenario that cannot be measured: i) The pelvis is not a fixed, solid structure. The hormone relaxin softens the ligaments that join the pelvic bones, allowing the pelvis to become mobile, loose, stretchy. The degree of pelvic expansion will vary from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy. This cannot be measured; ii) Positioning of the baby can influence the delivery, whether her head is flexed or tilted for example; iii) The position that a woman adopts during labour makes a significant difference to pelvic dimensions. Squatting can increase pelvic dimensions while lying horizontally can decrease it; and iv) Nature has given human beings moldable, pliable, heads. Babies’ heads are made up of separate bones which move relative to each other, allowing the baby’s head to ‘mould’ and adjust to fit the mother’s body thus reduce its diameter during passage down the birth canal. No-one can predict the capacity of an individual baby’s head to mould. U biti samo ako imas te dvije ocite deformacije karlice, moze se reci da imas nekompatibilnu karlicu. Mislim da je doktor vile vilice upravu, i to u slucaju da prvo poduzme sve korake koji su spomenuti gore, pa ako tada ne funkcinise ... sretno ! <3