leli§ -> RE: Some help please? (26.5.2009 21:11:54)
IZVORNA PORUKA: Valentine IZVORNA PORUKA: veeseelaa Luck is, say, get the baby. A fact is true that you got your baby and your love. Where is the baby, this is love Sreća je, kažu, dobiti bebu. A zapravo prava je istina da je beba dobila vas i vašu ljubav. Gdje je beba tu je i ljubav. Oh I really like this one! Thank you. :) i really really like the quote that veeseelaa suggested... with all due respect to the given translation, i would translate it bit differently (just to give you a better perspective of the context): They say it is happiness to get a baby. Actually, the real truth is that baby has gotten you and your love. Wherever the baby is, there is love. I know that translation is not of great importance to you, since you are looking for the quote in Bosnian... i dont know many quotes about babies... at least not so many that are "adopted" among Bosnians, but here are some suggestions: "Beba ce ljubav uciniti jacom, dom sretnijim, dane kracim, noci duzim, proslost zaboravljenom, i buducnost vrijednom zivljenja" (A baby will make love stronger, home happier, days shorter, nights longer, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for) "Dijete je rodjeno sa potrebom da bude voljeno" (a child is born with a need to be loved) "Beba na poseban nacin unosi zadovoljstvo u svaki novi dan" (baby has a special way of adding joy to every singe day)