leona81 -> RE: Vakcine protiv HPV virusa- da ili ne? (22.6.2013 18:55:22)
protiv sam, ne znam da li si upoznata sa nedavnim slucajevima u Japanu odakle su vakcine potpuno povucene http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/806645 evo najbitnijih stavki zasto ne primiti vakcinu As WND has reported: • There are more than 100 strains of HPV; Gardasil and Cervarix, the most commonly prescribed vaccines, offer protection against two of them. • Even then, the staying power of the vaccine is only five years. • Cervical cancer is preventable without the vaccine. Because it takes so long for HPV to develop into cancer, there’s time to head it off it with regular Pap tests. • There are serious side effects including, occasionally, sudden death. Many Gardasil recipients experience normal vaccine aftermath like redness, soreness and fainting. But thousands of women have also reported crippling fatigue, paralysis, blindness, or autoimmune complications. Some have even died, according to CDC and FDA data. za mene sasvim dovoljno...znam da se cak i kod nas pisalo o tome da se se ove vakcine naci na kalendaru vakcinacije ali je ministar zdravstva odbio da uopste uzme to u obzir, zbog toga sto ta vakcina jos nije dovoljno istrazena