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   Some help please?
26.5.2009 19:44:37   
Good evening everybody,

I'm sorry to write in English but I can't in Bosnian so I hope somebody could help me.

It was difficult for me to join this forum because everything is written in Bosnian so I had to find the words in a dictionnary, so I'm sorry if I'm not writing on the right place.

Here you are my question.

I am going to be a godmother very quickly, and I am doing the baby annoucement. The mommy is from Bosnia (Jajce!) and we all live in France.

I thought that it would be nice if I put a Bosnian quote about babies on the birth announce so as to remind of the baby's mom's roots. It will be a surprise, the parents have not seen my announcement yet.

I have already put a French quote: "Naitre, c'est offrir à l'univers entier un magnifique cadeau." which means "When a baby is born, it's a present that is given to the whole world.".

I am unable to find something about a baby, giving birth etc. and I don't know how the word "quote" is said in Bosnian, in the dictionnary I could not find it.

Your help would be so much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Neposredna veza do poruke: 1
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 19:54:27   
Hi Valentine,

Since I am a translator, I think I could be of some help. We have some similar quotes in Bosnia as well. You can put something like "Rodjenje djeteta je najveca radost roditeljima i sreca cijelom svijetu". I read this on one of the cards I received after I had given birth.
Should you need some more help or have another question, you can contact me here.

Best regards from Sarajevo!

(odgovor članu Valentine)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 2
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 19:55:03   


Boze, olaksaj, nemoj otezati,
Boze, svaki nam posao zavrsi sretno, Uslisaj Boze!

(odgovor članu Valentine)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 3
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 19:56:16   
This is translated literally "Kada se dijete rodi to je poklon cijelom svijetu"

(odgovor članu Valentine)
  Neposredna veza do poruke: 4
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 20:04:25   

Hi Valentine,

Since I am a translator, I think I could be of some help. We have some similar quotes in Bosnia as well. You can put something like "Rodjenje djeteta je najveca radost roditeljima i sreca cijelom svijetu". I read this on one of the cards I received after I had given birth.
Should you need some more help or have another question, you can contact me here.

Best regards from Sarajevo!

Oh that's very nice of you! Thanks a lot!

The quote you've given me mean the same thing as the French one?

Sorry, I don't understand. If it's the same thing I would like something different, still the same theme but not the same quote, if you see what I mean.

It would be easier to ask the future mommy but it's a surprise so I can't!

Thank you a lot!

(odgovor članu ladyn)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 5
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 20:06:33   
Mya_81 RR
I won't write any quotes...I think that online dictionary will be helpful...

Just want to say that your idea is wonderful and you'll be a great godmother user posted image user posted image user posted image



Najvažnija stvar koju će naučiti s godinama je da ne postoji nijedan način da se bude savršena majka i milion načina da se bude dobra majka.

Ljubav, 25.06.2009.

(odgovor članu Valentine)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 6
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 20:06:38   


Thank you, but I don't want the same quote as the one in French, I want to have another one.

But thank you for your help.

(odgovor članu le_ella)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 7
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 20:07:42   
Luck is, say, get the baby.
A fact is true that you got your baby and your love.
Where is the baby, this is love

Sreća je, kažu, dobiti bebu.
A zapravo prava je istina da je beba dobila vas i vašu ljubav.
Gdje je beba tu je i ljubav.

< Poruku je uredio veeseelaa -- 26.5.2009 20:10:51 >


Ajša, Ajra, Esma, Zehra


(odgovor članu Anoniman)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 8
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 20:08:18   

This is translated literally "Kada se dijete rodi to je poklon cijelom svijetu"

Thank you but I do not want the same quote, this was an example of the one I have written.

I wanna have another one in Bosnian.

(odgovor članu Anoniman)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 9
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 20:12:00   

I won't write any quotes...I think that online dictionary will be helpful...

Just want to say that your idea is wonderful and you'll be a great godmother user posted image user posted image user posted image


Your message is so nice, I am really touched. Thank you very much.

This little girl is really awaiting! Mommy was due yesterday! :)

(odgovor članu Mya_81 RR)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 10
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 20:15:59   

Luck is, say, get the baby.
A fact is true that you got your baby and your love.
Where is the baby, this is love

Sreća je, kažu, dobiti bebu.
A zapravo prava je istina da je beba dobila vas i vašu ljubav.
Gdje je beba tu je i ljubav.

Oh I really like this one! Thank you. :)

(odgovor članu veeseelaa)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 11
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 20:26:23   
Mya_81 RR
Oh, you're welcome !

And we wish you all the best !

user posted image user posted image user posted image


Najvažnija stvar koju će naučiti s godinama je da ne postoji nijedan način da se bude savršena majka i milion načina da se bude dobra majka.

Ljubav, 25.06.2009.

(odgovor članu Valentine)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 12
   RE: Some help please?
26.5.2009 21:11:54   


Luck is, say, get the baby.
A fact is true that you got your baby and your love.
Where is the baby, this is love

Sreća je, kažu, dobiti bebu.
A zapravo prava je istina da je beba dobila vas i vašu ljubav.
Gdje je beba tu je i ljubav.

Oh I really like this one! Thank you. :)

i really really like the quote that veeseelaa suggested... with all due respect to the given translation, i would translate it bit differently (just to give you a better perspective of the context):

They say it is happiness to get a baby.
Actually, the real truth is that baby has gotten you and your love.
Wherever the baby is, there is love.
I know that translation is not of great importance to you, since you are looking for the quote in Bosnian...

i dont know many quotes about babies... at least not so many that are "adopted" among Bosnians, but here are some suggestions:

"Beba ce ljubav uciniti jacom, dom sretnijim, dane kracim, noci duzim, proslost zaboravljenom, i buducnost vrijednom zivljenja" (A baby will make love stronger, home happier, days shorter, nights longer, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for)

"Dijete je rodjeno sa potrebom da bude voljeno" (a child is born with a need to be loved)

"Beba na poseban nacin unosi zadovoljstvo u svaki novi dan" (baby has a special way of adding joy to every singe day)

< Poruku je uredio leli§ -- 26.5.2009 21:17:10 >


jos uvijek sretno samujemo

"...The future''s in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change..."

(odgovor članu Valentine)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 13
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 1:45:25   
Welcomeuser posted image user posted image
I always use this translate

Because it has multiple languages and a lot of options for the translation.
Very nice of you, good luck with the writing.Bayuser posted image


HANA 26.09.2007
SARA 10.12.2012

(odgovor članu leli§)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 14
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 1:54:56   
I apologize, first, I thought that you need translation, and you actually need a quote on the Bosnian.user posted image user posted image user posted image


HANA 26.09.2007
SARA 10.12.2012

(odgovor članu stella)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 15
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 12:57:22   
I just wanna tell you that she is here!!!


While I was looking for the ideas baby arrived.

I am exciting, and she is beautiful!

I'm coming later to tell you more! :)

(odgovor članu stella)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 16
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 13:01:33   
Ilhana RR
I wish all the best to the baby, hope everything is okey.


~~~ Living the dream ~~~

* Lamija 6 maj 2008
* Vedad 20 decembar 2014

(odgovor članu Valentine)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 17
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 13:34:02   
Skvo RR

user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image


Sa one strane ideje o dobrim i lošim djelima,
postoji jedno polje. Tamo ćemo se naći

(odgovor članu Ilhana RR)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 18
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 14:59:32   
Hello Valentine,

My best wishes to the baby and family! It's very nice that you're trying to find a quote in Bosnian. I live abroad and would like that someone did it when my baby was born. Sorry, I do not have better quote than those others already wrote.

(odgovor članu Valentine)
  Neposredna veza do poruke: 19
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 15:06:36   
Mya_81 RR
Congratulations and wish you all the best!!!!

                         user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image


Najvažnija stvar koju će naučiti s godinama je da ne postoji nijedan način da se bude savršena majka i milion načina da se bude dobra majka.

Ljubav, 25.06.2009.

(odgovor članu Anoniman)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 20
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 15:10:54   

(odgovor članu Mya_81 RR)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 21
   RE: Some help please?
27.5.2009 23:54:56   
Hello, Valentine
Just want to say that the baby must be really lucky to have you around.
You seem really nice and caring.
Best wishes to the baby and the family ( is it a girl or a boy ? )user posted image


23.4.2008. A.O. promijenio moj svijet :)
14.4.2014. Z. promijenila našu planetu :)

(odgovor članu nita)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 22
   RE: Some help please?
28.5.2009 1:20:14   
Congratulationsuser posted image user posted image user posted image

We are waiting for you to tell us more about new baby!!!

(odgovor članu Romali)
  Neposredna veza do poruke: 23
   RE: Some help please?
28.5.2009 11:01:38   
Good morning everyone,
You are all so nice and so cheerful. I am very glad to have discovered that forum. It’s such a shame I could not write in your language and understand everything here, but at last I can tell you one thing:
Hope I spell it right.
Now more details about the baby….
The baby is a little girl whose name is SARA! user posted image
She weighed 3 kg 200 for 50,5 cm and was born on May, 26th, in the South of France.
She has a lot of black hair and her mommy’s mouth. She is darling cute and I’m really proud to be a part of her life.
Mommy is breastfeeding and daddy is so in love with his little girl. It’s so touching.
I’ve finally finished the birth announcement yesterday. At the end I haven’t got the place to put the whole Bosnian quote and I reduced it to “Gdje je beba to je I ljubav”.
I’ll be happy to show it to you, but I don’t know how to put an image on this forum. Is this possible? If anyone can help me it would be highly appreciated.
Both parents adore the announcement and mommy and her family cried when they saw the little Bosnian sentence. I was happy, so once again: hvala!
Have a good day,

(odgovor članu Anoniman)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 24
   RE: Some help please?
28.5.2009 13:52:42   
Congrats Valntine user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image

as for the photo posting on the forum... there is an entire topic on that (of course in Bosnianuser posted image user posted image user posted image )

however this is probably the easiest way to do so:

Firstly you have to upload a photo using one of the following:

i guess that majority of us use the last link and the instructions for it are:

1. once you open up http://www.picoodle.com , click on browse and locate the photo you want to upload
2. once you do so, tick off the little square for the resizing and choose 320x240 websites and email
3. click upload

once upload is completed, copy the text from the part :DIRECT LINK TO IMAGE. open up a new window in your internet explored, safari, firefox or any other browser you might be using, and paste it in the "address bar on top" also known as URL bar:):):) once you paste the "link" click enter and your image should show up... once it does...right click on it, select all...right click on it again and this time choose copy...

now open up your massaging window on our Forum (the one you use to write your posts---really do not know what else i would call it) and paste the photo (right click-paste)

it should come upuser posted image

p.s. here is a link to the topic on our forum---there are step by step instructions (in pictures)

hope this helps:)


jos uvijek sretno samujemo

"...The future''s in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change..."

(odgovor članu Valentine)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 25
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